2017’s Biggest Workers’ Compensation Trends (Part Three)

2017's Biggest Workers' Comp Trends (Part Three) | Bloom Law Office

A new year, a new time to reflect on lessons learned from 2017. At Bloom Law Office, we spend January taking a look at workers’ compensation issues from the last year to prepare for 2018 concerns.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Rules

A big one is transparency with workers. In many workers’ compensation claims, the employee will say they didn’t understand the information provided by their employer. They’re confused and feel like nobody is on their side. That’s why so many workers’ compensation attorneys think the entire process has shifted away from caring for workers.

Talent Gap and Our Workforce

The insurance talent gap is another concern. A lot of the workforce will be retiring in the next decade, so what does that mean for those in line to replace them? There simply isn’t enough talent to fill the coming gap. This will require education in risk management and the best in talent recruitment. Retaining these employees is an added burden. It will require flexibility, particularly since younger workers have become used to telecommuting and virtual options. This will drastically change how workers’ compensation is thought of since “on the job” injuries are in the midst of a makeover.

Public Image of Workers’ Compensation

The overall public image of workers’ compensation is also due for an overhaul. Public relations has never been a strong suit of workers’ compensation. Highlighting the good part of the benefits and making the process more transparent and worker-friendly is paramount in the coming years. Workers’ compensation was created to take care of people and workers, but the red tape has a tendency to get in the way.

2018 – Time to Re-Evaluate Workers’ Compensation

How workers’ compensation has evolved also need to be carefully handled. How is it meeting the needs of the workforce today? Is federal intervention helping or harming? How is artificial intelligence and machine learning driving predictive analytics in the workers’ compensation realm? As new claims systems arrive via machine learning, we have to ask ourselves if all claims really need to be managed by a claims adjuster. We’re sitting on a lot of potential without a clear game plan on how to capitalize it.

Complimentary Workers’ Compensation Case Review with Jeffrey M. Bloom

Workers’ compensation is a fluid machine in motion that doesn’t always work perfectly. For all of 2018 and beyond, count on Bloom Law Office to be on your side with workers’ compensation claims. Call us today at 855-208-3650.

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