05 Jul 3 Rules for Negotiating Child Custody

Mediating child custody can be an emotional undertaking, overstating one’s “perfections” as a parent, as well as the other party’s “imperfections” does little for the process. The following are points that we try to reiterate to parents when negotiating child custody:
1) Keep it clean
In the absence of any sexual or physical accusations, pointing out flaws of your ex to gain sympathy works against you. By slamming your ex, you ultimately make yourself look bad.
2) Remember the Kids
Many times the fact that you have contempt for your ex does not reflect the attitude of the children. It is far better for the children to have a good connection with both parents. Your reasons for not wanting contact with your ex may be legit, but that doesn’t necessarily make them unfit to be in the lives of their children.
3) Think about “your” rules
In negotiations, many times rules may be proposed to make life difficult for the ex. That may translate to difficulty for you. Children can and will learn how to manipulate these “rules”.
It is important to keep these key points in the forefront of your mind when going through a divorce.
Contact Child Custody Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom
If you find you need legal assistance or have questions, please contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom for a consultation. We welcome child custody clients from West New York, and greater New Jersey.