Filing For A Divorce In New Jersey

Filing For A Divorce In New Jersey | Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom, West New York

Overview of How To File for A Divorce in New Jersey

New Jersey law requires that you, the plaintiff, file in the county where the reason you have for the divorce happened. This is true even if you don’t live in that county anymore. As an example, if the spouses have lived apart for 12 months, the county where the plaintiff last lived during or at the end of the 12 months is where the divorce is submitted. If the plaintiff no longer lives there, it is still filed there. If the complaint says that one spouse deserted the other for 12 months, the complaint is filed in the county where the deserted spouse last lived at the end the 12 months. Perhaps you were living outside New Jersey when your marriage began to deteriorate; you can file in the New Jersey County where you now live.

Serving The New Jersey Divorce Complaint

Once the court mails you a copy of the complaint stamped “filed,” you will fill out the summons and attached proof of service (form 7). Under New Jersey law, the defendant must be served with a copy of the divorce paperwork (see below) by one of the following methods:

• Receiving a copy of the petition from the county sheriff where the defendant lives or works. The sheriff will charge a fee for this service. Include form 7A, “cover letter to the sheriff.”

• Receiving a copy of the divorce paperwork by U.S. mail. Use certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested. The other spouse will have to sign for the complaint and the post office will send you a receipt (the green card) to show the other side did receive your mail.

• If the defendant has an attorney, contact the attorney and ask if he or she will agree to accept a copy of the divorce paperwork.

Contact Divorce Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom Today

Divorce is never easy. It is hard, and it is emotional. To relieve yourself of added worry and stress, please contact our offices so that we can help you navigate the rough waters of divorce. We can and will make this process much more bearable for you. Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom will work for you – (855) 208-3650.

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