
You’re ready to put that marriage behind you, but your husband or wife isn’t giving up so easily. The Law the Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom can help. Divorces can notoriously get messy, but they get even more complicated when one person doesn’t want to...

Last week, Bloom Law Office covered five of the top ten most common work injuries that lead to workers' compensation claims. These included trip and falls, being struck by an object, bodily reactions like a twisted ankle, falling to a lower level, and overexertion. Any...

Does it seem like everyone’s getting divorced nowadays? Bloom Law Office specializes in divorces, and while the dissolution of marriages is relatively common in many countries, there are some places around the world where divorce rates are incredibly low. These five countries have a divorce...

Most people have heard of workers' compensation, but how long has it been around? Bloom Law Office specializes in workers' compensation law in New Jersey, and we know just how little most people know about this law. The first state-based workers' compensation laws were enacted...

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