
As we learn more about the dangers of opioids, we know they’re now being prescribed less in many situations—including treatment for workers’ comp injuries. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom, we’ve just seen a report that this decrease has also led to lessening...

Have you ever wondered if you would “upgrade” your spouse if you won the lottery (or curious if your spouse would!)? Well, there are plenty of people who have been put in that exact situation. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom, we represent...

You won’t find it on any holiday calendar, but in the legal field, January is the unofficial “divorce month.” Just like most other divorce attorneys, at the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom, there’s an increase in consultations and new clients every January because the...

You’ve probably heard a lot of cases where an allegedly injured worker took advantage of workers’ comp payouts—maybe even from the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom blog! However, there are avenues for manipulating workers’ comp from every angle, including the employer’s, which is one...

Humans are experts at looking for ways to cut corners, and in the workplace that can lead to a number of injuries. The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom specializes in workers’ comp claims, helping injured workers achieve the fast and fair resolution they deserve....

Something as tiny as a typo can lead to a workers’ compensation claim costing $600,000. The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom works diligently to make sure every “I” is properly dotted and no “T” goes un-crossed—so issues like this can be avoided. This particular...

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