
Whether or not you absolutely love the holidays or you find them commercialized and expectation ridden, holidays come with pressure and the added stress of a divorce during the holidays can make them unbearable. Pressure To Be “The Perfect Family” in Divorce: You see images everywhere depicting...

Perhaps you have been injured in your job. Chances are you have been told that workers compensation insurance is the only compensation available to you. Generally speaking, this may be true, however there are many exceptions. There are situations which a lawsuit for damages can...

Divorce is a very complicated and emotional issue. Many times the process turns ugly and the couple find it hard to be in the same room together, much less try to work through divisions of finances and time with children. Because a divorce mediator is...

Benefits available under worker’s compensation vary from state to state regarding the particular injury. Generally speaking, though, each state usually distinguishes between temporary and permanent disability and also between partial and total disability. The types of injuries usually included are: Catastrophic loss or severe injuries,...

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