Can I Change My Child’s Hair Color without My Ex-Spouse’s Approval?

New Jersey Dog Bite Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom West New York, NJ

If you would like to change your child’s hair color, it’s best to run the idea by your ex-spouse and get his or her approval. If, however, you do not want to consult with your ex on the matter, you may be allowed to make this decision without your ex’s approval if you are the child’s parent of primary residence. Typically, parents who have joint child custody are required to agree on all major decisions regarding the child. However, changing a child’s hair color may not be viewed as a “major” decision in the eyes of the court.

Because changing the color of a child’s hair is something that will last for more than a few days or weeks, the decision should not be taken lightly. A drastic (yet temporary) change in the look of the child might cause your ex-spouse to become angry and possibly seek legal action against you. Changing a child’s hair color may be seen as drastic by your ex-spouse, even though artificial hair color is temporary and hair will eventually return to its natural state.

If you would like assistance in negotiating decisions such as changing your child’s hair color or other matters similar in nature, Jeffrey M. Bloom can help. He has extensive experience helping divorced parents with a variety of family law matters, and he can guide you through the process every step of the way.

Please contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Bloom assists clients in the West New York with all types of divorce-related issues.

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