Changing Your Name after a Divorce

Child Support Attorney | Jeffrey M. Bloom

When it comes to a divorce, most people tend to focus on the biggest issues. These typically concern:

The topic of changing your name after a divorce is sometimes an afterthought that arises either immediately before or after the divorce becomes final. Sometimes, this particular issue does not arise until the divorce has been final for months or years. Regardless, changing your name after a divorce involves a legal procedure that must be followed.

New Jersey law states the following: “The court, upon or after granting a divorce from the bonds of matrimony to either spouse or dissolution of a civil union to either partner in a civil union couple, may allow either spouse or partner in a civil union couple to resume any name used by the spouse or partner in a civil union couple before the marriage or civil union, or to assume any surname.”

If you are in the Ridgewood area and would like assistance with changing your name after a divorce, Jeffrey M. Bloom can help. Mr. Bloom has more than 2 decades of experience handling all types of family law matters, and he can guide you through the process of legally changing your name back to what it was prior to marriage.

Please contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Bloom serves clients in Ridgewood and throughout Hudson County, New Jersey.

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