13 Sep “We Are Separating”…..Dealing With Custody And Child Support For Babies

Dealing with separations and divorce when there are very young children involved becomes very complicated as it deals with psychological, practical and of course legal issues. Very young children are capable of having multiple attachments to people, including their parents, grandparents, babysitters and extended family members, but they still have a primary attachment figure…the one person that they prefer as a comfort to all others. When a parent is unavailable, they will turn to another, but given a choice, ultimately mommy or daddy will be the one they run to.
Children always form a close bond with the people who care for them. It is biologically driven and is part of the makeup of all primates. But here is where the controversy begins. Much research has found that the quality of the primary attachment in very young children has much to do with psychological and social problems in the future. Thereby pointing to (generally speaking) as the mother as the primary custodial parent. There is much debate on this, but ultimately points to the fact that the parents need to come to a reasonable agreement for the best case scenario for their child, putting ego and selfishness aside.
As far as child support goes in a separation child support may be required. Instead of a separation agreement, the custodial parent would usually file a motion in court that would seek child support .
Child Support and Custody Legal Advice | Jeffrey M. Bloom
As with all legalities, especially those dealing with the welfare of children, it is prudent to seek legal advice to ensure that you and your children are taken care of. Contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today for a child support consultation – (855) 208-3650.