Divorcing When You Have Foster Children

Divorcing When You Have Foster Children | Bloom Law Office

Couples caring for foster children face some unique challenges when they decide to divorce. Bloom Law Office specializes in both divorce and family law, and such a delicate situation demands the help of legal experts. The welfare of any children involved are always the top priority in any divorce case, and that includes foster children. There will be big differences depending on whether the fostered children are adoptable (and if the couple intends to adopt) or not.

Facing Divorce When Fostering Kids

Fostering laws vary state by state, but all states require that any big changes in family dynamics must be reported. Of course, divorce is a significant change. Immediately report your intention of divorce to the social worker managing your case. The social worker, or one of their colleagues, will decide what is best for the child both immediately and in the future.

The foster child may stay with one parent during and after the divorce, as dictated by the social worker, or they may be transferred to another home. The majority of cases see the foster child moved to another home because even the most civil of divorces are challenging. This is especially true if both parties want to continue fostering the child. Fights, negativity, and instability do not make for a positive home environment. It’s also common that both parties neglect part of their fostering duties to take care of the divorce.

The goal of foster care is that the child comes first and that they are able to thrive in a stable, healthy home. A structure is key. When stability is unlikely, which is organic with divorce, the social worker will usually find it best to transfer the foster child. However, that’s not always the case.

For More Information, Contact Bloom Law Office Today!

The social worker makes the final call, and working with a divorce and family law attorney can help you mediate the situation if you want to keep the foster child with you. In some cases, like if one parent has already moved out in a quick separation, the social worker might find it best that the child stays in the home. Bear in mind the financial aspects of fostering, especially if you now have a single income. For more information on divorce and fostering, contact Bloom Law Office at 855-208-3650.

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