Finding Common Ground on Co-Parenting Issues

Uncontested Divorce Attorney West New York | Jeffrey M. Bloom

One of the most difficult and potentially complex aspects of any divorce case is determination of child custody. While the court always seeks to act in the best interests of children, these cases are inherently emotional, nuanced, and complicated.

When a court awards shared physical custody, then each parent has a right to spend time with the child. This requires that the child move back and forth between two residences, which can be incredibly difficult for the child and the parents alike. Shared child custody can prove challenging for former spouses, but with the right attitude and approach, it can help heal the wounds of your divorce.

The most important thing to remember in co-parenting situations is that the child needs to understand that he or she is more important to you and your former spouse than the circumstances that led to the end of your marriage. The child must never feel that he or she contributed to your dissolution of marriage, which is why it’s important that you and your former partner work together to act in the best interests of the child on all parenting decisions.

Determining child custody is a difficult, emotional process. If you’re facing a divorce that involves custody issues, please contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in West New York.

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