30 Jun Four Tips to Stay Positive In a Divorce

Anyone who has been through a divorce knows how much it can destroy your life and how it wreaks havoc on your day to day schedule. While it might be the best long term plan, one can’t deny that your world as you knew it is no longer there. It is important to find some tips that add meaningful perspective, tools that help you fight the need to react too quickly, and to have a positive support team in place that will help you stay positive in your divorce. Here are some additional strategies to consider to help yourself stay positive during divorce.
Embrace The Stability You Have
Leaning on your good friends who you know will always be there is a good way to maintain stability. If you have to (or get to) stay in the same house, know that you’ll make changes to make it feel like your own space. If you have to (or get to) move, try to move to a location that is close to your old house so that your kids maintain both their schools and friends. If you have a job, keep it.
Embrace Positive Help From Friends
Friends and family closest to you will want to be involved in your healing. Accept their help by getting coffee, participating in activities, and getting out of the house when you can. Push yourself into a new social routine vs staying isolated at home. Spending time with positive people will help to uplift spirits in your home.
Stay Physically Healthy
Depression can sink in quickly during a divorce and exercise has proven helpful when you are fighting the need to crawl back under the covers. Get a routine, go for a jog, walk around the park, take the dog out for a stroll, do anything that adds a little exercise to your day and helps break up the obsessive thoughts that creep in. Besides helping you achieve both physical and emotional well being, you may also find exercise to have a positive effect on your social life.
Get Organized
Research shows a lack of organization is a huge stress inducer for many people. Not knowing where something is, where to find things, and generally feeling like you lose everything creates a sense of chaos and lack of control. Getting organized can help alleviate the stress of thinking about the “to dos” or getting down on yourself for forgetting to pay the cable bill. Find ways to organize the clutter in your house and your mind.
West New York Divorce Attorney | Jeffrey M. Bloom
Jeffrey M. Bloom is a New Jersey Family Law attorney specializing in divorce and child custody issues. If you’re faced with a family law matter, contact Mr. Bloom today for a consultation – (855) 208-3650.