Happy Divorce Day!

Happy Divorce Day! | Bloom Law Office, West New York

In our business, January 7th in 2019 was a holiday—it’s Divorce Day. Bloom Law Office, along with divorce attorneys across the country, know that it isn’t an official holiday, but it should be. Even the BBC has reported that the first working Monday is when most people get divorced around the globe.

It makes sense. Few people want to get divorced during the holidays. There are traditions they feel they need to uphold, and a lot of people want to save face in front of family and during holiday parties. After all, what’s the big deal to wait a few days and get through the holidays, especially when children are involved?

Add in the stress from the holiday season, and it’s no wonder everyone is scrambling to get divorced the first week of January. In some cases, the holiday stress might be the final straw to break the divorce camel’s back. Although divorces themselves don’t necessarily spike on the first working Monday in January, divorce and separation proceedings skyrocket.

According to Hamlet Smith, the director of a counseling service, “We spend a lot of money in December. So, January is when the bills come in, so it’s very stressful. It’s stressful to be married. It’s stressful to have kids. It’s stressful all the way around, but you start realizing that in January.” According to the BBC, ten percent of couples break up because of money problems.

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However, Smith warns against making a rash decision. He encourages couples to talk before rushing for a divorce. Talking to a divorce attorney, either alone or as a couple, can also help. A reputable attorney is committed to helping couples make the best decisions for themselves and their children. If you are ready for a divorce, having a divorce attorney in your corner is an absolute must. If you’re resolved to get divorced in 2019, start off on the right foot by calling Bloom Law Office at 855-208-3650.

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