What to Do If You’re Injured at Work

What to Do If You're Injured at Work | Workers Compensation Jeffrey M. Bloom

Employees make many mistakes when they end up getting hurt on the job. As a result, they often run into problems when it comes to receiving workers’ compensation. If you are ever hurt on the job, there are a few things that you should do immediately.

First Steps to Take If Injured On The Job

Notify your immediate supervisor right away and tell them what happened. Don’t wait just because you may not be in extreme pain at that moment. It’s important to get the process started and informing your boss is typically the first step. You may want to notify them in writing as this is a requirement in some states.

Speed is important as most states have particular statutes of limitation when it comes to filing any personal injury claim. Therefore, don’t procrastinate when it comes to reporting and getting the process started.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Once you have notified your employer of your injury, you will need to fill out a workers’ compensation form. Until you complete this form, your employer typically has no formal requirement to provide you benefits. So, request the form and get it submitted right away.

After you receive the form from your company, fill out the employee section and return the form to your employer. You can deliver it personally or send it via email. If using mail, it is always recommended to send it by certified mail so that it can be tracked and make sure to keep a copy prior to turning it in.

The form will be submitted to your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company for processing. They normally have 14 days to send you a response on your claim. If you don’t receive an answer during that period, contact your employer for assistance in getting a response.

Contact Workers’ Compensation Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom – West New York

Workers’ compensation laws are complicated and require someone with experience to help you navigate through the system. Mr. Jeffrey M. Bloom is an attorney practicing in the West New York. Contact workers’ compensation Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom at (855) 282-8386 and set up your personal appointment.

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