Keep a Low Profile on Social Media during Your Divorce

Legal Separation Attorney Hudson County | Jeffrey M. Bloom

The explosion of social media in recent years has had a significant impact on many divorce cases. Many personal details that were once private are now broadcast on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many other social media forums for all to see. In good times this can be a great way to share your life with those you know. But during a divorce, this can provide your spouse with iron-clad evidence that may have a devastating impact on your case.

For some people, keeping a low profile on social media comes naturally. But if you’re someone who regularly posts numerous times a day about every nuance of your life, it is extremely important to exercise restraint — as hard as this may be. The terms of your divorce agreement may depend on it.

Keep in mind that what you post on social media is available for anyone and everyone to see. Even if you rethink a post and decide to take it down, it may be too late. All it takes is a few seconds for someone to take a screenshot of your post for it to be captured and documented for the court record.

Errant social media posts can be particularly devastating when child custody and financial issues are being disputed. You don’t want your spouse to be able to point to your frequent “check-ins” at restaurants, nightclubs, sporting events, and other places around town as evidence that you’re more concerned with your social life than devoting time to your children. Similarly, pictures of your latest luxury vacation can damage your claim that you can’t afford spousal support payments.

You should also adjust your privacy settings to prevent others from tagging you without your approval. Otherwise, all of your efforts to maintain a low profile can be undone by a friend who insists on broadcasting your good times with them for all to see.

As a general rule, it’s best to ask yourself this important question before posting anything on social media: “Would I want my ex or a New Jersey Family Court Judge to see this?” In most instances, you’ll probably answer that question with a resounding “No.”

You can reduce a significant amount of drama and acrimony during your divorce by exercising a little prudence and self restraint on social media. Once your divorce has been settled, you can resume sharing your life with others on Facebook.

If you need assistance with a divorce matter, please contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Bloom serves clients in West New York, and surrounding areas of New Jersey.

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