New Jersey Mediation Lawyer

Reach an amicable divorce settlement

Jeffery M. Bloom, Divorce Mediation Attorney

Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom | West New York

Going through a divorce is never easy, but sometimes there can be a simpler alternative to the costly and stressful legal proceedings of a contested divorce. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom, our expert divorce attorney offers mediation services to help individuals reach sensible agreements on as many issues as possible to help families avoid the expensive costs of court proceedings. Our expert divorce attorneys will lead you through the mediation process, saving you time and money while reducing the pain and stress of reaching a divorce settlement.


When both parties agree on all applicable legal matters, Mr. Bloom can then guide you through a cost effective and peaceful uncontested divorce. To seek mediation or to proceed with your divorce, whether complex or uncontested, call (855) 208-3650 to contact our Bergen and Hudson County divorce lawyer.

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is one of the most frequently used methods of negotiating a divorce settlement. In divorce mediation, our divorce attorney will work with you and your spouse to help reach sensible, fair agreements for your legal matters.


In mediation you can discuss and reach agreements on a wide range of legal issues such as:


What are the Benefits of Divorce Mediation?

There are many benefits to choosing divorce mediation, including:

  • Divorce mediation minimizes the mental, emotional and financial impact of the divorce on both you and your family and promotes child-focused parenting agreements
  • Costly and time consuming court proceedings are eliminated, making divorce mediation a far less expensive and more time efficient solution to settling your divorce
  • Divorce mediation helps families preserve control of their futures by allowing them to make decisions directly instead of letting the outcome be determined by a judge
  • Couples can devise more creative and satisfying solutions by cooperating and negotiating in a respectful environment
  • Improvements in communication that are made during mediation can help individuals avoid conflicts in the future
  • The mediation process is completely confidential

How do I know if Divorce Mediation will work for Me?

Successful divorce mediation is not determined by whether or not there is ongoing conflict, rather by how the involved parties wish to handle the disagreements. If you and your spouse are willing to make compromises that will benefit both you and your family, and you both share a mutual trust and respect for one another, you will be more likely to reach agreements through mediation. It is important to realize that feelings of pain, betrayal and anger are normal in divorce proceedings, and our divorce attorneys are here to help you work through those emotions during mediation, so that you can focus on reaching a settlement that will serve the best interests of both you and your family.


Though couples rarely regret divorce mediation, there are some circumstances when it might not be beneficial. It is important to remember that divorce mediation involves trust and compromise. If you suffer from an abusive relationship, you sincerely do not trust your spouse or you have a genuine fear for the safety of you or your family, you may want to reconsider mediation.


If you are currently in litigation but both you and your spouse are unhappy and believe you can come to an agreement without a judge or court proceeding, it is never too late to try mediation.

Contact Divorce Mediation Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

To consult with our expert divorce attorney to help you decide how to proceed with your divorce, contact our West New York office. Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom has been serving the people of northern New Jersey since 1988 –  call (855) 208-3650.

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