No More Oxycontin from Workers’ Comp in Ohio

No More Oxycontin from Workers' Comp in Ohio | Bloom Law Office, West New York

The country is in the midst of an opioid crisis, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that there are also a lot of legitimate workers’ comp claims every year. Bloom Law Office watches for changes to workers’ comp laws around the country to see what might make its way to New Jersey. According to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, as of 2020, the agency will no longer pay for certain types of opioids. Not every type of painkiller will be denied, but specific time-released opioids and opiates are on the chopping block.

Specifically, Oxycontin and its generics will no longer be covered by workers’ comp in Ohio. Oxycontin is one type of opioid that has been linked to abuse, dependency, addiction, overdoses, and deaths. Opioids, in general, are meant to be prescribed for very short-term injuries, such as recovering from surgery. However, studies have shown that a person can become dependent on opioids even when taken as prescribed for just four or five days.

According to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s Administrator, Stephanie McCloud, injured workers should discuss their options with their doctors now, especially if they are taking opioids that are covered by workers’ comp. There are alternative pain management drugs available, as well as help for those struggling with opioid addiction. Additionally, there is a myriad of non-drug options for chronic pain which may be covered by workers’ comp.

Oxycodone—a type of opioid that offers an immediate release—will not be affected by the change. Oxycodone has also been linked to high rates of abuse, but not quite to the degree of Oxycontin. Both types of opioids are also popular street drugs.

Contact Bloom Law Office Today!

There are a variety of work-related injuries that a person can sustain, from acute short-term pain to chronic pain and disabilities. Working with your physician and workers’ comp agency in a collaborative way is the best avenue for finding an approach to pain management that works for you. If you’ve been hurt on the job and are starting the workers’ comp process, it’s also critical to have a workers’ comp attorney on your side to ensure a fast and fair outcome. Contact Bloom Law Office today, and keep in mind that we don’t get paid until you do.

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