When Paternity Becomes An Issue In A Divorce

Paternity and Child Support | New Jersey Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom (855) 208-3650

Unfortunately, when a couple divorces, the question of paternity and child support obligations sometimes arises. Should the father has viable questions about whether the child is his, it is possible that he may request a DNA test to prove that in fact, he is the biological father.

If it turns out that he is not the child’s father, there is a possibility that he may not have to continue to support the child.

A man may be assumed to be the child’s father (unless either parent provides evidence otherwise to the court) based on the following circumstances:

• The couple was married during the period of conception or birth.

• The child was conceived or born during an invalid marriage between the man and the mother.

• The man married the child’s mother after the birth of the child and consented to have his name on the child’s birth certificate.

• The man signed a document for “Acknowledgement of Paternity.”

• The man brought the child into his home and claimed the child as his own.

Whether child support will be ordered in such situations will depend on the circumstances of the case and the state in which the child support issue arises. In some states, if a man is the presumed father of the child, then he may be required to help support the child.

Child Support Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom

If you are experiencing child support or paternity issues and need help, please give Child Support Attorney Jeffrey M. Bloom a call. We have the answers you need, and we will gladly meet with you to discuss how to solve the problems you are experiencing.

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