Spring Break Wreaks Havoc on Child Custody Agreements

Spring Break & Child Custody | Bloom Law Office, West New York

You thought you and your ex had the perfect child custody arrangement—until spring break arrived. Bloom Law Office always expects an uptick in calls about child custody during the spring. Parents have settled into the swing of an established child custody agreement, and many got through the logistics of the winter holidays with just a few bumps.

However, winter holidays are usually filled with travel. The holiday spirit and desire to give the kids a happy, memorable experience can best any disputes that might flare up. But, spring break is different because there’s less pressure. Some parents want to send their kids to camp, some want to take them on vacation, and others struggle to find adequate childcare.

Too many parents try to figure out the spring break challenge by themselves. The easiest way to address any child custody issue is to work closely with a child custody attorney. It should be expected that these arrangements will evolve and change over time. What worked for you and your ex last spring break might not work this time around.

It’s a good idea to get a child custody agreement for spring break penned down before the kids are home for a full week, but if that hasn’t happened yet, don’t worry. It’s not too late to work with a child custody attorney for a quick modification.

Some of the most common spring break agreements include splitting the week between the parents or alternating spring breaks every other year. Maybe one parent really wants the spring break holiday with the kids, while the other is looking forward to a summer vacation. There are always solutions and compromises, but it’s much easier for an unbiased third party to see them than it is for two parents facing spring break and excited kids.

For Child Custody Help, Contact Bloom Law Office Today!

Family traditions, work schedules, and vacation plans are also critical to planning your spring break child custody agreement. If you need help, call Bloom Law Office today at 855-208-3650 so this spring break doesn’t break you.

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