Weird Divorce Facts

Weird Divorce Facts | Bloom Law Office, West New York

The dissolution of any marriage can be full of twists and turnsโ€”made even more interesting by some unusual divorce facts, laws, and traditions. At Bloom Law Office, none of these oddities are revered or practiced, but we like to keep up on the more obscure happenings and histories of the law.

For instance, did you know that in some states you can actually sue the person your spouse cheated on you with for โ€œalienation of affection?โ€ Some of our clients have experience with this, because itโ€™s a legitimate claim. Unfortunately, this wasnโ€™t an option for the 99-year-old man in Italy who divorced his 96-year-old wife when he found out sheโ€™d written steamy letters to someone else in the 1940s. They hold the title of oldest divorcees after more than 60 years of marriage.

If you want to increase your odds of a lasting marriage, itโ€™s best if neither of you smokes. If just one smokes, odds of a divorce increase 75 percent. Youโ€™re also more likely to get divorced if you live in a red state (to the tune of 27 percent). However, this is attributed to the fact that people marry younger in red states and not necessarily their political affiliation.

Marriages that yield a daughter, but no son, are slightly more likely to end in divorce (but just by five percent). Still, marriages with children regardless of genders are less likely to end in divorce than childless unionsโ€”unless of course you were married in the Philippines. Itโ€™s illegal to get divorced there. If youโ€™re a gay/lesbian couple who end up moving to Texas, you also canโ€™t get divorced there. Instead, youโ€™ll likely be taking one final trip together to a state where you can legally split.

In some Native American tribes, the equivalency of marriage was forbidden. If a man left his wife, the tribe would ostracize him completely. This was especially notable of the Aztecs. Other indigenous tribes didnโ€™t have anything close to marriage for life.

Contact Bloom Law Office For Help If You’re Considering Divorce

However, no matter what statistics or traditions say, every marriage (and divorce) is unique. Give Bloom Law Office a call at 855-208-3650 to make your divorce as fair and fast as possible.

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