21 Jul Who Pays for a Child’s College Tuition after a Divorce?

It is common for the non-custodial parent to pay child support to the custodial parent after a divorce. In most instances, child support payments will end when your child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school. However, if your child plans to pursue a college degree, your financial responsibilities may not be over when your child turns 18.
There is significant evidence indicating that parents are much more likely to pay for their children’s tuition if they aren’t divorced. A study published in the Journal of Family Issues found that 88% of parents who are still married help their children pay for college, while only 29% of divorced parents provide this assistance. This study also found that divorced parents who help their children pay for college cover about 42% of costs, while parents who are still married will fund 77% of the expenses.
In the state of New Jersey, the courts have the power to order divorced parents to contribute to their children’s college tuition. Each case is evaluated based on its unique issues, and the courts will evaluate a variety of factors when determining whether to order parents to pay tuition and what percentage they must contribute. But in New Jersey, there is a possibility that you will need to budget for college tuition, regardless of whether you want to.
The best way to address this situation is during your original divorce agreement. Jeffrey M. Bloom can help you craft your child support agreement in a manner that specifically details how much each parent must contribute to your children’s college education. This will help you avoid a potentially acrimonious battle as your children reach college age, and it will give you the opportunity to plan ahead so that you can afford your financial contribution.
If you need assistance with a child custody matter, please contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Bloom today to schedule a consultation. Mr. Bloom serves clients in West New York.