Hiring a Workers Comp Attorney: They Don’t Get Paid Until You Do

Hiring a Workers Comp Attorney | Bloom Law Office

You’ve been injured at or because of work, you’re scared, and you just want to get this whole thing over as quickly as possible. That’s the scenario the workers’ comp attorneys at Bloom Law Office have seen too often. When you’re hurt and potentially not able to work, there’s no immediate income coming your way and the last thing you need is another bill to pay. At Bloom Law Office, workers’ compensation attorneys don’t get paid until you do. If for any reason you don’t win your claim, you don’t have to pay a dime to your workers’ comp attorneys. (However, don’t worry. That rarely happens and when it does, there’s always an appeals process).

Why should you hire a workers’ comp attorney when you can file a claim on your own?

There are a few good reasons:

1. No money paid up front. Workers’ comp attorneys work somewhat similarly to commission-based workers. They don’t get paid until and unless you do. You don’t need to worry about up front costs or bills arriving while you’re injured.

2. They can make the process faster and smoother. Workers’ comp fraud investigators are working overtime to discredit your claim. They’re scouring your social media, poring over your medical records, and looking in every corner to see if there’s any means of showing that your injury isn’t real or related to your work. Don’t you deserve the same kind of protection in your corner?

3. They let you focus on recovery. Filing a workers’ comp claim isn’t as straightforward as it seems. There’s paperwork, following up, and oftentimes addressing little bumps along the way. Let a skilled workers’ comp attorney take care of everything while you focus on recovery.

4. They’re part of your toolkit for getting your just compensation. Your compensation is based on a percentage of past income. However, that can be tricky for many types of workers, especially if you receive bonuses, commission, or have a rollercoaster of a work history. Workers’ comp attorneys go above and beyond to get you the fairest results.

Don’t go down this road alone. Connect with Bloom Law Office workers’ comp experts for the best protection.

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