05 Feb This is Why Workers’ Comp Claims Can Be So Hard

Have you ever wondered why you need a workers’ comp attorney if the process is supposed to be so straightforward? It’s a common question asked at Bloom Law Office, and all you need to do is take a look at recent headlines to understand. While workers’ comp should be straightforward, there’s also a lot of fraud. In fact, so many people falsely file or take advantage of workers’ comp payouts that there are a number of auditors whose sole job is to ensure that claims are valid. Sometimes this gets taken too far, and valid claims are denied—that’s why you need a workers’ comp attorney.
The amount of workers’ comp fraud is astounding. Recently, a sheriff’s lieutenant in California was arrested in Las Vegas for allegedly faking the severity of an injury to get workers’ comp. Lt. Mandy Henderson was accused of being spotted undertaking “strenuous workouts” even though she had filed a workers’ comp claim that should have prevented such workouts.
Just how strenuous were these workouts? According to allegations, she was actively training as a bodybuilder. At the time, she was on “limited duty” because of supposed injuries. Henderson has been booked on workers’ compensation fraud. Police began investigating Henderson after they heard about these workouts thanks to social media. Henderson’s Facebook and Instagram showcase that she’s a dedicated bodybuilder, and she had uploaded photos of what appeared to be recent bodybuilding exhibitions.
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Henderson has a history of being on limited duty as a lieutenant due to injuries. She’s been an employee of the Sheriff’s Office for 15+ years and is currently awaiting a hearing. Criminal charges have been filed. This is just one of many cases of alleged workers’ comp fraud, and one reason why workers’ comp auditors are so diligent. If you want a fast and fair outcome for your workers’ comp claim, contact Bloom Law Office today.