Workers’ Comp Claims Involving Car Accidents On the Rise

Workers’ Comp Claims On the Rise | Bloom Law Office, West New York

The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) reports that workers’ compensation claims involving motor vehicle collisions are increasing around the nation. Bloom Law Office offers specialized workers’ comp attorneys to help you ensure a fast and fair resolution to your claim. It’s a common myth that there’s no need for an attorney with workers’ comp claims because they’re so straightforward—that’s not always the case, and appealing a denied claim can be costly and time-consuming. Having a workers’ comp attorney on your side betters your chances of receiving a fair determination the first time you file.

Workers’ Compensation Claims and Car Accidents

Excepting motor vehicle crashes, overall workers’ compensation claims are on the decline around the US. The NCCI says this is largely due to robotics, automation, and better safety precautions in all industries. However, motor vehicle crashes, in general, have been slowly increasing since 2011. There is evidence that these crashes are related to smartphones and distracted driving. Almost one-third of accidents involve drivers using their phones.

Not only are motor vehicle workers’ comp claims on the rise, but they are also one of the costlier claims. In the past five years, these claims have made up 28 percent of claims totaling over $500,000—however, they make up just five percent of all claims. Plus, these claims are 12 times more likely to involve a fatality than a claim that doesn’t involve a motor vehicle.

It’s true that technology has helped with safety, but it’s also become the number one distraction behind the wheel. Simultaneously, even though many workers are now working virtually, the influx of business owners and freelancers means a lot of people travel for work. It’s possible to qualify for a workers’ comp claim when driving to and from work or a meeting, traveling for a conference, or in any other instance where the worker is handling a task related to their job or livelihood.

Schedule a Complimentary Workers’ Compensation Consultation with Bloom Law Office Today

If you or someone you know is filing a workers’ compensation claim, further protect yourself by getting a workers’ comp attorney in your corner. Contact Bloom Law at 855-208-3650 to schedule a consultation.

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